God and Sick Children

It’s 2:30 in the morning, and through the gift of Jobs’ iPhone, I can write while rocking my daughter to sleep. I’m thinking about a lot of things tonight.

I’m thinking about my daughters and what a blessing they are. Sure, they hardly sleep and they’ve been sick all week, but life would be so boring with only my wife and family and church to love.

A child’s cold is a minor inconvenience for a parent. I’m not saying, nor will I ever preach, that God caused this, but I can’t help thinking about God tonight; how many sleepless nights The Almighty has had. I feel as if God is rocking me as I rock my daughter tonight.

So, does God make our children sick so that we learn some eternal lesson? I don’t think so. I’m not sure what lesson that would be. I will say that I would probably be sleeping right now, and when the choice is between sleep and communing with God, sleep seems so boring.

But I’m thinking about a lot of things tonight.

One Comment


I think that a lot of things with kids are opportunities for parents to learn lessons. In the sleepless nights we learn what is like for God when we are struggling with something. In the discipline, we can learn what is like when God is trying to discipline and guide us. In the love we feel for our kids, it is hard to fathom giving them up for someone else’s sake, but we can also understand the amount of love that God feels for us. Some of the sleepless nights also allow for more fellowship with him.

Okay, I will get off of my soapbox now. Sorry to take over your comment box. 🙂

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