Posts Categorized: Uncategorized

It Is Solved by Walking

Jesus said to his disciples, “I am the gate. Whoever enters by me will be saved, and will come in and go out and find pasture” (John 10:9). Jesus is the doorway in which we find the way to God. The funny thing about doors is that they serve as endings and beginnings alike. An… Read more »

The Good and Not-So-Simple Shepherd

Light is intangible. The moment you try to hold it in your hands a shadow forms. In John’s Gospel Jesus says, “I am the light of the world,” so that we might let Christ’s light shine through us without manipulation. Jesus also says, “I am the bread of life,” which is quite a different divine… Read more »

But What About the Darkness?

This is why I say that the devil is as real as a shadow. It must drive the devil mad to know that it is nothing.

Judge Righteously

When we grow close to the heart of God it’s not long before we realize that our connection with God isn’t ours alone. God hears our prayers, God shines a healing light in the midst of darkness, and God offers us forgiveness through the justifying grace of Jesus Christ, but God’s activity eventually calls us… Read more »

5 Proverbial Tweets

2 Billion people across the globe are connected to each other via some form of online social media. Whether it is Facebook statuses or Twitter tweets or Snapchat chats or Vine videos or Pinterest, Feedly, Instagram, Tinder, LinkedIn…we are certainly connected. The art of navigating social media is a crucial gift moving forward in today’s… Read more »

Why am I United Methodist?

Several of my friends and colleagues are posting why they are United Methodist. I would write a full article, but my answer is too short. Why am I United Methodist? I am United Methodist not because I find it to be right, but I find it to be beautiful. Beauty trumps “rightness” every time.


Earlier this week a couple of folks emailed me asking about the order of our Advent candles–Peace, Hope, Love, and Joy. One member noticed that we had been lighting the candles using a different order than the traditional church–Hope, Peace, Love, and Joy. I will say it’s never a bad day in the kingdom when… Read more »

Irrational Hope

I’ve heard faith described as, “Hope in things unseen,” which suggests that hope is faith’s active agent. It makes sense. Hope is the expectation of possibility. To be hopeful is to surround yourself with improbable anticipation. In Advent we light the candle of hope to remember Christ’s improbable birth and to worship a God whose… Read more »