Posts By: Matt Rawle

Freedom, For Christ’s Sake–Galatians 5

There’s nothing more American than . . . apple pie? baseball? freedom? I would say that there’s nothing more American than Weight Watchers. Think about it. It incorporates so much of what makes this nation great: Free Enterprise, Freedom, Community, and Apple Pie (albeit made with Splenda and fat free ice cream). The thing I love about weight watchers is that in lieu of providing a list of do’s and don’ts, they teach value. A list of what not to eat would not work for me; however providing me with food’s value gives me freedom to eat they way my body needs me to eat.

Sharing . . . sort of

My three year old daughter, Isabelle, is learning the art of sharing. We try to make a big deal about it when she offers to take turns at the playground, or shares her crackers with a playmate. Recently she’s taken sharing to a whole new level . . . just not in the right direction. This morning I prepared our usual Wednesday morning breakfast for Isabelle and Annaleigh (our one year old)–strawberries and cheese (my wife thinks this is an odd breakfast, but I disagree and digress).

Water, Water, Everywhere–Psalm 77

God, through Christ, in the power of the Spirit, forgives the captor, redeems the oppressor, transforms the chaos of the deep into life giving water, which renarrates Israel’s story as one of salvation and reconciliation. This God who redeems Israel will forgive, redeem, and transform you. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


I must admit that Monday’s Ordination Service is a bit of a blur. During most of those sacred gatherings in our life: weddings, funerals, baptism . . . the Spirit fills us with amazement, literally being, “Out of one’s self,” which tends to muddy the details, leaving us with lingering conviction rather than report of… Read more »

Forgiveness Isn't Opposite Gallilee

My daughter Isabelle is beginning to figure out how bargaining works. Some of her attempts are more successful than others. She’s discovered that the way one carries oneself affects whether or not people will give you what you want. “Daddy, some more goldfish,” said with a bright smile and blinking blue eyes. After saying no,… Read more »

Forgiveness Isn’t Opposite Gallilee

My daughter Isabelle is beginning to figure out how bargaining works. Some of her attempts are more successful than others. She’s discovered that the way one carries oneself affects whether or not people will give you what you want. “Daddy, some more goldfish,” said with a bright smile and blinking blue eyes. After saying no,… Read more »

A New Heaven and a New Earth

Today is Senior Sunday when we celebrate the graduation of those who have been nurtured in faith of God and fellowship of neighbor here at Broadmoor United Methodist Church. This is a special day for them, so today’s message is for them. So if you’re not a senior or if you’ve never been to college… Read more »

God and Sick Children

It’s 2:30 in the morning, and through the gift of Jobs’ iPhone, I can write while rocking my daughter to sleep. I’m thinking about a lot of things tonight. I’m thinking about my daughters and what a blessing they are. Sure, they hardly sleep and they’ve been sick all week, but life would be so… Read more »

The In-Between (Luke 9:28-36)

After seeing Jesus’ glory revealed on the mountain top, Peter, James, and John kept silent and told no one what they had seen. Maybe they were Colts fans?

Improvisation–After Katrina

It was early in the morning Several hours before the sun would awake The stale smell of dried expired beer Filled the streets as incense to Bacchus. An old young man stumbles to find his way In the damp streets of a rainless quarter Jazz echoes off century-old buildings As if being replayed in a… Read more »