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The Games We Play

“Games, then and now, often possess this unusual, revelatory quality, offering participants and spectators new insights into themselves and the world around them.” —Dr. Ken Evers-Hood My daughters and I love playing “The Game of Life.” For them, the game is about who can finish first. They love rolling a ten every time they set… Read more »

When Job, Occupation, and Vocation Collide

There is a great difference between a job, an occupation, and a vocation. Your job is your list of responsibilities. If you work in a button factory, you might list “pressing buttons” as your first priority, but it’s certainly not your only job. If you have a family, I’m sure you’re preparing a meal for… Read more »

The Hope and Fear of New

The start of a new semester can sometimes be like watching two athletes in the Octagon.  In one corner there is a great hope.  On the first day of class everyone has a 4.0 Dean’s list opportunity.  How proud my family would be if the semester ended with the first class.  No blemishes, no lost… Read more »

In Response to “The Middle Way is the Wrong Way”

I would like to share a few words in response to J.D. Walt’s “8 More Reasons the Middle Way is the Wrong Way.” I often offer my congregation to meet a dichotomy with quick suspicion.  There is never only two options when walking with Christ.  Walt references Matthew 7 where Jesus says: Watch out for… Read more »

Go Set a Watch, Man

On the heels of finishing The Faith of a Mockingbird (hitting the shelves of your favorite bookstore soon!), reading Go Set A Watchman has me asking, “Who is the real Atticus Finch?” Harper Lee’s latest (and second or is it really the first?) novel is due out in stores this week, and the reviews are… Read more »

A Good Father

What does it mean to be a good father? What does it mean to be a bad father? Let me first offer some assumptions about fatherhood so that I neither lead you astray nor steal away your time. It is challenging to be a good father without first being a good husband. Even though I… Read more »

What 'I Love You' Sounds Like

“And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a tongue rested on each of them” (Acts 2:2-3). It is difficult to describe the indescribable. It’s as if the Gospel… Read more »

Understanding Privilege

Talking about white privilege is a heated and difficult subject for some. You can almost see blood pressure raise and lips purse when mentioning the phrase in what was supposed to be polite Starbucks conversation. “I’ve never owned slaves,” or “I’ve worked hard for what I have,” or “Why does everything have to be about… Read more »

Understanding Privilege

While we fight the good fight for justice for all, maybe we should broaden the focus of a heated racial spotlight so that, Christ—the light of the world, might burn away both the sin in my own soul and the sin of an inherited system whose history we are quick (either through natural deafness or earplugs) to dismiss.

Jesus is Alive . . . So Now What?

As difficult as it may be to die for what you believe, it is more difficult (and more blessed) to live for what you believe.